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Language Syntax

Started by Brex, January 13, 2024, 10:59:06 PM

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The syntax spelled out in this section varies from easy to understand to just about impossible to decipher unless you are a language expert. Do what you can, starting out with simple words inserted into your posts, poetry and stories and gradually work your way up to sentences.

Noun TypeNormativePossessiveDative
Proper Singular-ha
(No suffix)
Proper Plural-such'--su'ri
Group I Singular(No suffix)-n-vha
Group I Plural-in-en-vher
Group II Singular(No suffix)-m-vha
Group II Plural-r-en-vher
Group III Singular(No suffix)-ai-evha
Group III Plural-ir-en-evher
Nouns have three cases, Nominative (for subject and object), Possessive (ownership), and Dative (for Indirect Object).

Proper Nouns
Rihannsu place very high value on names, and so all Proper Nouns (Names of People, Places, Elements) modify differently than common nouns..

Common Nouns
There are three groups of common nouns, depending on what the noun ends in. Each group has different endings.
Group I = nouns ending in i or e
Group II = nouns ending in a, o, u
Group III = nouns ending in a consonant sound
Noun Endings (suffixes) "-" shows where noun is placed

Prefixes Used Only for Proper Names
Never to be used with common nouns to create a Name such as "Lhiess ir-Aihai" unless "aihai" (prairie) is an actual NAME of a region. It is improper to use it to mean "from the prairie" or "from the sea" or any other similar usage.
t'- Female Clan Name (used in third Name)
T'-Female honorific in elder Firstnames, esp in older Vulcans
tr'- Male Clan Name (used in third Name)
S'- Male honorific, used in elder Firstnames, esp Vulcan
i - common form of city-name (used in second Name)
ir - common form of region-name (used in second Name) used by those from rural areas
ei- if person is from a specific city or as common elder prefix (in second name). Used when one changes Names due to an important event.
e- common marriage-name prefix (used in second Name), used in place of former clan-name prefix.

Vocatives are names spoken when addressing someone, as in their title or their name. They occur at the beginning or the end of a sentence.
Examples: (Riov, cloak disengaging.) (Cloak disengaging, Riov)

These nouns have their own special forms and do not fit the groupings listed above.

English TermNom (S)Nom (P)Pos (S)Pos (P)Dat (S)Dat (P)

There are five basic pronouns: I, You, He, She & It (gender neuter).

PersonNom (S)Nom (P)Pos (S)Pos (P)Dat (S)Dat (P)
1st (I)arhemmnean (we)arham (my)mnei (our)arvha (to me)mnevher (to us)
2nd (You)hwiohrain (you)hwai (your)hraen (yours)hwavha (to you)hravher (to you)
3rd (She)riiriin (they)riam (hers)riien (theirs)riivha (to her)riivher (to them)
3rd (He)diidiin (they)diam (his)diien (theirs)riivha (to him)diivher (to them)
3rd (It)aeilloan (they)aeim (its)lloannen (theirs)aeivha (to it)lloannher (to those)
Many of these are shortened (as contractions) and added to the beginning of the words they apply to, especially when using the possessive form:
Example: arh'kaevra (my heart). Note the use of an apostrophe ( ' ) when letters are omitted.

Converting Nouns to Adjectives
The prefix ih' added to any noun can be used as an adjective to describe an entity that possesses some or all of the qualities of that entity. (Example: ih'varuul (scoundrel-like)

Verbs have two tenses: Past and Present. An action which occurs in the future uses the present tense plus a time indicator:

(Future) Rhi siuren dha arhem llaiuri (In five minutes I will be dying)
(Present) Arhem llaiuri (I am dying)
Verbs have three aspects: Common, Progressive, and Completed.

In the Present tense: Arhem enaere (I run), Arhem enaereri (I am running), Arhem enaerer (I have run)
In the Past tense: Arhem enaeren (I ran), Arhem enaereari (I was running), Arhem enaerear (I had run)
Verbs have four moods: Indicative (an action), Negative (action did not occur), Subjunctive (action might occur), and Imperative (a command)

In the present tense: enaere (run), enaerekhe (won't/don't run), enaerete (might have run), enaereu (Run!) enaerei (Run! To inferior) enaeren (Run! To superior)
In the Past tense: enaeren (ran), enaereakhe (didn't run), enaereate (might not have run), (no imperative in Past tense)[/b]

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