E'Mek Varnas
2423 - onwards -> erei'Riov (SCDR), A.R.W. Kamemor
2420 - 2423 -> Centurion, Tactical/Security Officer at Allied Cooperative Starship Development Board (ACSDB)
2416 - 2420 -> Arrain (LT), Tactical Officer, RRW Kirix
2413 - 2415 -> Arrain (LT), Tactical Officer, RRW V'Rela
2409 - 2413 -> Weapons Specialist in Reman Resistance, various postings
Data prior to 2409 not consistently documented or supported by reliable sources.
Reprimands in 2417, 2418 and 2420 for disobeying direct order from the vessel's commanding officer.
Like many Remans of the mid-24th century, E'Mek was born into family of slaves to a a petty Romulan noble family Varnas on Rator III, planet that would become the capital of Romulan Star Empire. Born in times when Enterprise-D only began her "boldy going" adventures, E'Mek considered himself a lucky Reman, for Varnas family was known to be kinder than most Romulan nobles. In truth, then-head of the family, Centurion Threx would become a Unificationist supporter.
Much of E'Mek's early life remains unknown and he does not speak of it openly, save for the few facts of his birth and origins. Earliest Republic archival data on him can be found on 2374, when the Romulan Star Empire was dragged into Dominion War. Centurion Threx, his sons and Hasrix, E'Mek's father and his two older brothers were drafted into Romulan Military and sent to the front lines.
Following Shinzon's coup, the secession of Imperial Romulan State and Hobus supernova in 2387, Threx Varnas became ever more engaged in collaboration with the Unificationist movement on Rator III. With Sela securing her power in the Empire, families like Varnas became targets of political harassment. Shortly before his own arrest by Tal'Shiar, Threx sent away his sons and three sons of Hasrix away.
Little is known about their journey into exile, but the five sons first sought shelter on Crateris and Virinat. By 2409, all five found their way to The Vault, which housed Reman Resistance led by Obisek. There, they discovered Valtana, E'Mek's mother, who informed them that their fathers and Threx's wife were executed shortly after their arrest. This led them to join Reman Resistance. As his brothers and Threx's sons all served aboard variety of vessels in the Imperial Navy, E'Mek gained knowledge and experience in ship weapons' systems. Unlike the rest of Obisek's resistance movement, he despised the use of thalaron weaponry.
When Reman Resistance was incorporated into the new Romulan Republic, E'Mek was given rank of arrain (lieutenant). During the Voth crisis, Vaadwaur War and Iconian War, he served aboard T'Varo-class V'Rela. In 2416, he was transferred to Dhelan-class Kirix.
Few months before the Klingon Civil War between J'ula and J'mpok, he applied, and was accepted, to Allied Cooperative Starship Development Board. He cited his former master's dedication to the Unificationist movement, as well as friendships with Threx's sons, as a motivation to apply. To his disappointment, he was not accepted into the crew of A.F.S. Khitomer. He continued to work on technological cross-talk of various weapons' systems in Alliance shipyards, some of which contributed to the development of Alliance's Temer-class raiders.
After passing the command exam in late 2422, he was promoted to erei'Riov, subcommander, and was given command of Temer-class raider, A.R.W. Kamemor.