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The current Stardate is:
Stardate to Calendar Date
Use this tool to converts stardates to in-character calendar dates.
Note: Stardates prior to January 1, 2333 (Stardate 10000) will not convert properly.

Calendar Date: 

In-Character Calendar Date to Stardate
Use this tool to create a stardate based on an in-character calendar date. Select the in-character date that you want to convert and press the "Convert" button. The stardate will be displayed in the box below. The default values will give you the current stardate (based on your computer's system clock). Note: In-Character dates prior to January 1, 2333 (Stardate 10000) will not convert properly.
This converter is NOT for IRL calendar dates; if you are entering a date in the present day (ie. 2016), use the tool above.

Year:        Hour: 
Month:        Minute: 
Day:        Second: 


IRL Calendar Date to Stardate
Use this tool to create a stardate based on the date in real life. Select the date that you want to convert and press the "Convert" button. The stardate will be displayed in the box below. The default values will give you the current stardate (based on your computer's system clock). Note: dates prior to January 1, 1934 (Stardate 10000) will not convert properly.
This converter is NOT for in-character calendar dates; if you are entering in-character years (ie. 2415), use the tool further down.

Year:        Hour: 
Month:        Minute: 
Day:        Second: 


The code for the above tools was created by Andreas Schmidt. The internal math provided by Andreas Schmidt does account for leap years.
The version above has been provided by 38th Fleet Argo and has been modified for use by Star Trek Online Roleplay to reflect the in-game time for Star Trek Online with a +400 year boost for clarity and formatting.

Articles in « Resources »

The ranks used on the forums were created by Kuro-chan of Kuro-RPG. Please do not modify the images in any way. If you wish to obtain them and an up-to-date copy, access the Kuro-RPG Website.
Templates used with permission of 38th Fleet 'Argo'