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Channel and Forum Rules

Started by Brex, February 08, 2019, 10:46:34 PM

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Welcome to the Star Trek Online Roleplay Forums! We are in no way endorsed by either Cryptic or PWE, and by extension, they have no bearing on our administrators or moderators opinions.

Our mission statement is clear: We want to create a welcoming community for any and every role player of Star Trek Online.

We also have a Discord server;
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You can access our Discord from the lower right of all forum pages if you do not have an account yourself.

and an ingame channel;
/channel_join STORP.ORG

While our primary goal is to have fun, we have to ensure that that fun does not infringe upon the fun of others. As a result, the channel and forums are governed by a series of rules. Most can be boiled down to "Apply common courtesy to your actions, and we'll all get along fine", for finer details, please read below;
N.B. Please post any feedback or suggestions you may have in the General Discussion Forum.

Punishments for breaking the rules are listed below:
1) Any minor offence will result in a warning.
2) Repeated minor offences (3 strikes), or any major offence will result in a kick or mute.
3) Repeated major offences (3 strikes) will result in a ban.
Severity of the offence is made at moderator discretion.
Most rules can be boiled down to "Apply common courtesy to your actions, and we'll all get along fine".

The rules are as follows:
No excessive swearing, we're not prudes, but vulgar language is rarely called for, or met with pleasantries. There's a time and a place.
Over the top crude behaviour (such as name-calling) outside the bounds of reasonable teasing and/or RP will be subject to moderator action.
No hate-mongering. This includes racial slurs, anti-religious or any other form of comment and or posting designed to degrade a group and promote hard feelings or ill-will towards that group.
Discussing any sort of sexual behaviour towards minors (such as ERP with minors) will result in a channel ban and reporting to Cryptic. No warnings will be given, instant ban and report. No exceptions.
Everyone's political and Religious beliefs are so varied you can say something with the best of intentions, but in the end you end up upsetting and/or offending someone, or a group of people in the channel. In most cases it is best to avoid these topics.

The above rules will be applied contextually where appropriate. If in doubt, please speak to the channel staff.

@S.J.Brex - Channel Owner
@nak3dsnake - Channel Admin
@Mishy - Channel Admin
@Shalamar - Channel Operator
@Shaanithegreen - Channel Operator
@TheCunningStunt - Channel Operator

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@Coregazer - Channel Admin
@Starboard_Nacelle - Channel Admin
@Madeye_Malk - Channel Admin
@Valias - Channel Admin
@Vampiric_Hoshi - Channel Operator
@LeanneArac - Channel Operator
@lightofthesun1 - Channel Operator

The ranks used on the forums were created by Kuro-chan of Kuro-RPG. Please do not modify the images in any way. If you wish to obtain them and an up-to-date copy, access the Kuro-RPG Website.
Templates used with permission of 38th Fleet 'Argo'