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GNN News Bulletin Stardate 98359.2

Started by Brex, May 12, 2021, 03:10:34 AM

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STARDATE 98359.2

Emperor J'mpok seeks swift end to Klingon Conflict
FIRST CITY, QO'NOS - It has been almost a year since the outbreak of the Klingon Civil War, which spilled into an intergalactic incident when the renegade matriarch of House Mo'Kai, J'Ula carried out a terrorist attack at Camp Khitomer resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Alliance personnel and diplomats, including Ambassador Surah of the Deferi as well as destroying a Federation Starbase in the Seeda system with the loss of 20,000 Starfleet personnel and civilians.

Many Klingon houses took up arms in support of J'Ula in defiance of then Chancellor J'mpok who has since dissolved the Klingon High Council and anointed himself as Emperor of the Klingon Empire, a position which has not been held since the loss of Emperor Kahless in the midst of the Iconian War. Emperor J'mpok has vowed to destroy any rebellious elements that defy the will of the empire, in a move that has not gone uncritized by Federation observers.

"Emperor J'mpok is making very aggressive yet successful movements from a relatively weakened position as many great houses have essentially retreated from the Empire to defend their own holdings or to join House Mo'Kai's rebellion," said Sirt Juka, an Ambassador from the Cardassian Union "there's some parallels to Chancellor Gowron's ambitions of the 2370s with many hard-line imperialists within the empire advocating for stronger shows of force. We look cautiously to the Federation to maintain the peace."

Starfleet cites faulty Translation Matrix to blame for U.S.S. Ajax's breach of Interstellar Boundary
REGULA SYSTEM, MUTARA SECTOR - In a bizarre string of events, surrounding the U.S.S. Ajax's encroachment upon the Nausicaan border, Starfleet sources are now claiming that the unintentional crossing was caused by a faulty translation matrix resulting in the Commanding Officer issuing an order to cross the border.

The U.S.S. Ajax, which is part of a taskforce of 25th Fleet vessels has been engaged in anti-piracy and border protection patrols for the past three months, had initially claimed that the vessel was perusing a suspected pirate before crossing three light years into the Nausicaan border. The Nausicaan government however insists that the Ajax crossed the border while not actively pursuing a vessel and maintaining position for 4 hours before being escorted by two Nausicaan destroyers. No weapon fire was exchanged during the incident.

While Nausicaan forces as a whole have been assimilated within the Klingon Empire, a number of independent planets and sectors do still maintain majority control of their affairs.

The crew of the Ajax and the Commanders of the taskforce have all declined to comment.

Tholian incursion in Romulan space repelled by R.R.W. Lleiset
AZURE NEBULA, AZURE SECTOR - A recent incursion of Tholian vessels into Romulan space has been successfully repelled by the R.R.W. Lleiset within the Azure Nebula. It is unclear why the Tholians have launched an attack and the isolationist Tholian Assembly is not responding to questioning.

Some unconfirmed reports suggest that the attacks within the Azure Nebula may have been a distraction from the Tholians main goal of a Reman starbase known as "The Vault" which has also seen fighting in recent days. Tholian attackers have harassed the Romulan Republic ever since its founding, with the Assembly itself remaining quiet on the matters.

News in Brief
Bio-Neural Processing Units are seeing delays in production blamed in part on increased demand following a refit effort of the Skoodian Monarchary
The Caitain Claws have announced the signing of M'Benga Tress.
New Transwarp Gateway opens in the Izar sector.

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