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[Chat Log] - The Cardassian Conundrum

Started by Brex, April 26, 2020, 02:54:10 AM

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Occurred on 25/04/2020 @ 20:00 EST
I was unfortunately unable to get the first part of the log, if anyone has that please let me know!

[Local] Granek@Zarro: Now as I was saying...
[Local] Granek@Zarro: We know with the lack of available starfleet vessels in this area during the Hurq attack, station like this must have taken significant damage. It's good to see that the reputation of Starfleet's engineers is earned
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: That at least brings us to the topic in question. In essence, we have been given the task from the Detapa Council to rebuild the city and provide for the affected families.
Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex nods along stiffly at various points in the discussion.
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: A noble and necessary cause, but one for which we haven't the required resources. Of course, this means we have to get a little creative in our solution.
Park@ecutts leans back and steeples his fingers to his chin as he listens.
Quistra@PlanetOfHats has a PADD perched on the arm of her chair. She glances at it now and then, then looks up with a quiet nod as she listens to Drokan make his appeal.
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: It certainly was not my initial impulse, but given the gravity and necessity of the situation on the ground, our thoughts turned to the economic powerhouse of an ally just next door.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 looks around the room, looking, frankly, a little lost, and perhaps a bit amused, a bit skeptical.
[Local] Granek@Zarro: We were certain that given the Federation's generous offer of protection to the Union after our dismanteling of our fleets, the alliance would be interested.
[Local] Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex: It's an agreeable request. What resources do you require?
Drokan@GeoffB smiles
Quistra@PlanetOfHats moues her lips. "If I may add something, Admiral T'Sai."
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 looks around the room, and then to the Admiral to her right, skeptically. She raises her eyebrow in the Standard-Issue Vulcanoid Interrogative.
[Local] Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex: Admiral Quistra.
Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex bows her head to allow her to take the table.
Phill'min@dhofmann has been sitting back, actually looking somewhat relaxed now. Well hell, this is her first formal meeting with a Cardassian after all. One might say she had a neutreal, yet still paranoid look towards it all.
Park@ecutts casts a quick glance over to Admiral T'Sai, his gaze then falling in Admiral Quistra's general direction.
Quistra@PlanetOfHats crosses one leg over the other. "Starfleet is obviously receptive to humanitarian concerns like this, and it's in all our interests to assist the people of Lakarian City. The last thing we want is a humanitarian crisis. I think that's above dispute. My question is around the fact that you've asked for this meeting outside of official channels and off the books. That raises a concern to me. I think we share the goal of ensuring that our resources go most quickly to where they're most needed. Why this back channel?"
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: Ah, we imagined that this might cause some unwarrented concern.
[Local] Quistra@PlanetOfHats: "With all due respect, it's in all our interests to ensure that all bases are covered and that we're all on the same page."
Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex nods to Admiral Quistra and looks back to the Gul.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 looks at Drokan, and at 'unwarrented concern,' gives the kind of skeptical expression that can only possibly (under normal circumstances) come from a teenager.
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: Allow me to explain. We have been working with our various agencies that are meant to provide for us in times of crisis. But there is devestation all across the planet and resource management has been stretched thin. We have been stuck behind a myrid of regulatory policies, and requests have been backlogged.
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: These families need the support as soon as possible, and we did not want to wait for our superiors to finally get around to us. We have been forced to get creative with our solution.
Quistra@PlanetOfHats leans forward slightly, elbows on the table. "Here's my concern, and I voice it with considerable respect. We've been working through the Detapa Council not only to assist in the rebuilding of Cardassia, but in support of the civilian government. Any aid released by the Federation Council would be directed through the civilian government. I'm worried that we have two possibilities before us. The first one is that we release the aid and it logjams behind these same policy gateways. The second is that we release it through back channels, and that leads to the Federation tacitly acknowledging a parallel power to the civilian government. We both know that's never ended well for Cardassia."
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: Of course, this is not ideal, and I assure you I take no pleasure in "jumping" the line.
Quistra@PlanetOfHats shifts in her seat. "I suppose what I'm asking is how we can achieve this goal without driving a wedge into Cardassian politics, Gul Drokan."
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 looks over to her right, past Admiral T'Sai to Admiral Quistra.
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "Admiral, if I may?"
Quistra@PlanetOfHats nods to Kara once.
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "You've neglected a third possibility, sir." She gestures across the table. "That these two are rogues, shysters, or True Way looking to hoodwink us out of materiel they can't get from an increasingly less sympathetic Cardassian public and abscond with it."
Park@ecutts covers half his face with his right palm.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 fixes Drokan with a hard look. "Why, exactly, *would* you come to *us,* a collection of literally whomever happened to be in Warp range when you show up unannounced?"
[Local] Granek@Zarro: Such accusations, I am aware that starfleet has, in the past, had issues with terrorists in its ranks. I believe it was one of your own that stole replicators bound for Cardassia for his own group of rebels, so I can completely understand your councern. What is that human expression, once bitten, twice shy?
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: Vittoria seemed to agree, though she kept her expression studiedly neutral. She'd been focusing on examining the body language of the Cardassian pair, throughout, nowhere near a strong enough telepath to be able to even attempt to read them at this distance... let alone Cardassians, with their famously inscrutable minds.
Quistra@PlanetOfHats purses her lips. "Let's all dial down the temperature here for a minute, Glin, Captain."
[Local] Granek@Zarro: But, the council will verify our identities as loyal servants of Cardassia. Perhapse my rank allows me to address this in a way the good Gul can... choose not to hear?
Granek@Zarro turns to Drokan for confirmation
Quistra@PlanetOfHats turns her black eyes from Kara to the Cardassian pair. "I think the concern here speaks to the same thing: Process. Proper channels, proper accountability, strong relationships."
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: I agree that we ought to remain calm here. Our concern is for the welfare of our people. There is no need to bring up charges of "True Way" sympathies.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 smiles at the Betazoid admiral, and leans back from her forward posture, sitting with spritely poise on the edge of her chair.
[Local] Granek@Zarro: In truth, the council does not wish to show more weakness then is necessary. It is still quite a fledgling government, and the trust of the people is more important to some then their good.
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: I certainly agree that in times of stability, the systems we have set up to meet our needs are perfectly adequate. But we cannot, in good conscience, sit back and watch millions go without necessities
[Local] Granek@Zarro: Sadly, there are those few elements that would rather see themselves re-elected then help the people of Cardassia. But I can understand your concern about political favouritism. I have a solution that may solve that particular issue?
[Local] Quistra@PlanetOfHats: /me picks up the glass of water in front of her for a measured sip. "Of course, anything decided here is mostly in principle. Foreign aid is voted on and decided by the civilian government of>
Quistra@PlanetOfHats the Federation - that is, with a vote of the Federation Council." She pauses for a moment. "I'd like to hear your solution, though I'd also like to clarify if you're here on behalf of the>
Quistra@PlanetOfHats Detapa Council, or if this is a freelance effort."
[Local] Granek@Zarro: I will admit, we are here of our own accord. The council has made no "official" request for this meeting. However it would be wrong to say the council is unaware of us.
[Local] Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex: If you would enlighten us as to which party you represent?
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: We simply represent the pressing interests of those we have been entrusted in Lakarian city. This is no grand conspiracy and I will be as transparent in our relief activities as I can with you.
[Local] Granek@Zarro: We have no interest in using this to support a political side, we would be just as happy if aid can be delievered anonymously without us being made reference to.
Quistra@PlanetOfHats glances at T'Sai, sipping her water. Her expression is unreadable.
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: Sometimes true patriots have to act quickly to meet the needs of their countries. I figured that having the Federation as a partner in this may help to keep us honest.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 places her fist under her chin, suddenly looking deep in thought, pursing her lips and kicking her legs - which fall short of the floor, given the comparative heights of herself and the chair.
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "How big is Lakarian city, again? Population, geographic area? What sort of nessessities is it falling short of?"
Phill'min@dhofmann sat there, thinking that if this was a different... event, a crew of ships would be on the way already. Then again, what she is used to; these said ships didn't have valuable equipment like
[Local] Phill'min@dhofmann: replicators, and also Governments didn't seem to have the ability to form such large fleeps to possibly capture another as they do today.
[Local] Granek@Zarro: The population, before the attack, was nearly up to pre-dominion war levels. Before the Lakarian city atrocity, that is. At the moment it stands at just over a million souls. Power supplies are being
[Local] Granek@Zarro: reserved for essential services, little food is being imported, and there are a variety of infrastructure issues
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: Of course, we will provide detailed statistics of our situation on the ground if and when we reach an agreement on the possibility of aid.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 nods to herself, her eyebrows furrowing. "And you..." Kara raises her eye at Drokan. "You have the rank of Gul. But you didn't come in your own ship. Is your rank an administrative one?"
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "Do you command an infantry unit instead of a vessel, perhaps; or perhaps an oceangoing planetary patrol craft?"
Drokan@GeoffB looks down a moment.
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: Administrative is the word, yes. Our diminished fleet capacity has thus far prevented approval of my requests for a command.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 frowns and nods to herself, leaning back and bobbing her head.
Quistra@PlanetOfHats curls her fingers around her glass. "Why do you think you were passed over?"
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: Oh I assure you it is merely a logistical issue. Countless officers are up for these positions. I am no better suited for a ship than any one of them.
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: But of course, these details are irrelevent to the matter at hand.
Phill'min@dhofmann was rather starting to enjoy this game of chess that was now being played. Eyes darting from one side of the table to the other as they kept going.
Quistra@PlanetOfHats sips her water, then glances to her left. "I think it's important to ensure that we're not undermining the Detapa Council, but also that aid resources are being distributed effectively."
[Local] Quistra@PlanetOfHats: "To me, working tactfully and cooperatively with the civilian authority seems to be the best approach."
[Local] Granek@Zarro: That approach has left many in starvation.
Park@ecutts leans back once more, clear that he has many thoughts on the matter now the more he listens.
[Local] Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex: Of course you will understand, any supplies you request would be processed through standard Federation channels, their journey through our supply chains logged.
Quistra@PlanetOfHats tilts her head slightly to the side. "What you're asking for is for Starfleet to undermine the legitimate government of Cardassia on the word of the military. You understand why that's impossible.
[Local] Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex: Should the Federation council agree on a release of these resources, the Detepa Council would also be notified and queried as to the current situation in Lakarian city.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 starts to rock side-to-side, letting out a (rather quiet) 'hrmmmm' of thought as she starts visibly going into deep contemplation.
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: I understand the sentiment, and were I in your position, I would press this issue as you have. And we have made it no secret to the Detapa council that we need the assistance.
[Local] Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex: As Admiral Quistra states. In it's current form, this proposal is not something we can agree to, without the backing of the Detepa council.
[Local] Granek@Zarro: Gul, if I may, how many would die while this is being debated and put through official channels?
[Local] Granek@Zarro: This valuing of petty political stature over lives is the reason we're here and not at the council now.
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: "If I may. Surely, if your intentions are as noble as you propose, there can be no issue with this being logged and noted with the Council and with Starfleet Command."
[Local] Granek@Zarro: I understand that you wish to remain impartial, we are happy to aquiest to any measure that removes any sort of political interference. Third parties, anonymous donations, starfleet hauling the goods
[Local] Granek@Zarro: themselves if you so wish. But if political preening is worth the lives lost, then I agree entirely. We do have nothing to discuss.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 shakes her head and sighs, letting out a snort. "I don't think you understand the issue we're facing as Starfleet officers."
Park@ecutts finally lets out a soft, barely audible sigh.
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: If it is merely a question of trust, we would be more than happy to see a detachment of Starfleet engineers assist in the rebuilding efforts. See where the resources are going. In the hands of the
Quistra@PlanetOfHats sets her glass of water down. "We have only your word on the status of Lakarian City. This is the first suggestion we've had that the situation is nearly so dire."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "We, all of us, are official representatives of the United Federation of Planets. Whatever we do is therefore taken as a *de facto* and *de jure* action of the Federation. You're asking us to bypass-
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: the Detapa Council - the government of the Cardassian Union - and provide aid directly to a subdivision thereof. That would be a grave breach of the Union's sovereignity."
Park@ecutts looks to T'Sai and Quistra, "Admirals, if I may?"
Quistra@PlanetOfHats nods to Park. "Go ahead, Captain."
[Local] Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex: Captain Park.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 clams up, leaning back and nodding to Captain Park.
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: Vittoria tapped at her PADD under the table, very subtly, touch-typing without looking down. A text message sent back to the Maestrale, to her First Officer. [Keep a close eye on the Cardassian ship.]
[Local] Park@ecutts: "As you say, at this moment we do not believe the situation so dire. Perhaps to start with, a...visit...through proper channels, to get us on the ground and see the situation for ourselves?"
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 unsubtly pulls a PADD out of her bag, but unobtrusively starts typing on it.
Phill'min@dhofmann widens her eyesa ad her antanna perk up. Park said a comment that certainly got her attention.
Park@ecutts turns his gaze to the Cardassians, a momentary pause before he continues.
[Local] Park@ecutts: "With all due respect, Gul Drokan, what you're asking us is to strongarm your Council and force our way in to provide aid directly to your people...or at least this is what I gather from your words"
Granek@Zarro looks to Kara "Has the Federation stance on aid and sovereignity changed? In any case I assure you that we have no intention of becoming the next Romulan republic." Turns to address the table "If
[Local] Granek@Zarro: if will make things easier, it is entirely within our power to clear visits from dignataries. While the council may oppose it on merit of 'pride' they have no legal standing to stop it. I would be happy to welcome your representatives to Lakarian city"
Park@ecutts turns to the Admirals as the Glin makes note of their authoritiy to clear visits.
Quistra@PlanetOfHats frowns. "Again, you're putting us in the position of opposing the Detapa Council - with whom, I'll note, the Federation is allied. Starfleet won't become a pawn in infighting between the>
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: There is reasonable concern that we are acting against protocol and that this may pose diplomatic issues with the civilian government. Rest assured, we are fulfilling the orders of the Detapa council
Quistra@PlanetOfHats military and the council."
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: by coming here. Perhaps not as they might have envisioned, but no questions will be asked to us or Starfleet if we are able to turn our situation around in Larkarian city.
[Local] Granek@Zarro: Starfleet, as per the treaty with the Detapa council, is responsible for our external defense. This grants you full right to move about our territory as you see fit. An invitation from the military
[Local] Granek@Zarro: is mroe then enough to allow you access to the city.
Park@ecutts leans back into his chair and allows the Admirals to continue the conversations once more
Quistra@PlanetOfHats clears her throat. "I think our step here is to file an urgent report with our envoy to Cardassia. That should get things back into proper channels."
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 shakes her head and leans back, looking up at Gul Drokan. "As I understand this, Gul Drokan, the Cardassian Union is rather decentralized at present, and the various sub-level polities are assumed
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: to have *de jure* authority to negotiate their affairs as they see fit unless and until it breaches the law or enters the realm of politics where they would be effectively attempting to speak on
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: behalf of Cardassia Prime or the Union itself... Is that correct?"
Quistra@PlanetOfHats glances at Kara and clears her throat.
Park@ecutts slowly gets up from his chair and moves to stretch his legs for a moment, raising his hand slightly in a general apologetic gesture.
[Local] Quistra@PlanetOfHats: "Ultimately, this task force does not have jurisdiction over Federation affairs in Cardassia. The limits of our authority is to kick the ball into the proper court."
Quistra@PlanetOfHats sets her PADD in her lap. "Admiral," to T'Sai. "My best recommendation is that we contact the Federation envoy to Cardassia with this information and look to get the ball rolling through those >
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: You would be correct on that account. The days of the overcentralised Union are over and individual constituencies have been granted greater authority in their affairs. Having to ask for such aid does
Quistra@PlanetOfHats > channels. As said, the Federation supports the reconstruction of Cardassia. We can do it the right way."
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: not make us look great, in the eyes of our people, but it is certainly not criminal.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 suddenly smirks, gleefully.
Granek@Zarro turns to the Gul, and mutters a little too loudly "They had no problem handing out industrial replicators to terrorists attacking our colonies in the past."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "You mean it would be politically... Galling, for the Depata Council to be upstaged in aiding Lakarian city?"
Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex nods "We shall contact the Cardassian Envoy to take these matters forward. We shall see to it that this request is expediated where possible and appropriate if the situation is as you describe."
Quistra@PlanetOfHats taps her PADD against her hand. "I'm going to ignore that chewing of old soup for the sake of diplomatic courtesy, Glin."
[Local] Granek@Zarro: I am sure those living within the regional pet projects of the council will be most appreciative. Gul, I believe we've done all we can here. Would you agree?
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: Vittoria's black eyes turned curiously to Kara as she felt the glee radiating off the green-haired Romulan.
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "Quite right, Glinn. You have done all you can do... Here."
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: That is a straightforward and understandable course of action, Admiral. Regrettable, in our case and to the urgent needs of our people, but a Cardassian must respect those who are "By-the-book".
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "You've made your approach for a speedy, back-channel resolution, frankly, to the wrong people."
[Local] Granek@Zarro: Admiral, are all of your subordinates this... spirited?
Quistra@PlanetOfHats gives Sileia a glance, not knowing Kara from Adam herself.
Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex turns to Kara "Thank you, Captain." she speaks with no emotion.
Phill'min@dhofmann for the past couple of minutes has been shifting around in her chair as if it was made of sandpaper. Personally, she was not liking the outcome. But, she felt it wasn't her place to open her-
[Local] Phill'min@dhofmann: -mouth.
Park@ecutts looks up and back at towards the table, realising the discussion seems to be drawing to a close.
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: I thank you again for your time. This was still rather enjoyable, all things considered. I am rather a fan of these diplomatic discussions.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 stands up when the Admiral does, stretching and rocking back and forth on her feet.
[Local] Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex: Gul, Glin. I have found this meeting agreeable, I would be facinated to see how your appeal is recieved by the Cardassian Envoy.
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "Admiral, was that 'you are dismissed' said politely?"
[Local] Drokan@GeoffB: As will we.
Drokan@GeoffB 's smile fades has he begins to leave
Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex looks between both ends of the table.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 frowns as the Cardassians turn to leave without a by-your-leave.
[Local] Park@ecutts: "...that could've gone a lot worse."
Phill'min@dhofmann finishes her internal debate. "Escuse me, may I give an opinion..?"
Quistra@PlanetOfHats folds her arms. "I don't think there's a conspiracy there. And that's why I'm bothered. The last thing we need is to set a precedent for the military as a parallel power."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "... I meant what I said literally," Kara murmurs. "Pardon me, Admiral." She turns and *jogs* out.
Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex follows the Romulan with her eyes.
Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex mutters after a few moments, "Illogical."
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: "Admiral. It may take a little time, but I would suggest forwarding the data about those two, and this situation, to Intelligence." she said, softly. "As a precaution."
Quistra@PlanetOfHats nods to Phill'min. "Go ahead."
[Local] Phill'min@dhofmann: "While I do not know all of what has happened in the past.. I feel there has been a bit of trouble." She more or less looks to Admiral T'Sai. "Earlier today, we spoke of times changing. This sounded-
[Local] Phill'min@dhofmann: more like a call for help. In the meantime, would it be so wrong to give even the basic of aid until a definate answer was given..?"
Quistra@PlanetOfHats frowns slightly. "It's not that simple. The Federation has been rebuilding Cardassia. HARF was there for ten years and went back after the Hur'q attack."
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 leans against the side of a chair, shaking her head and looking slightly disheveled - as if she had just been runing. She takes a few moments to run fingers through her hair, revealing her ridges.
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: Vittoria gave Kara a curious glance as she sprinted back into the room and leaned against the table, though only for the briefest moment.
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "Damn, they move fast," Kara mutters. "It's like they vanished into thin air between here and the corridor outside." She smirks as she says that.
[Local] Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex: The Cardassian Union, indeed Cardassia itself, has been subject to a number of crippling attacks since the Dominion War.
[Local] Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex: In the final days, the Dominion and Breen bombarded the planet causing planetwide destruction.
Phill'min@dhofmann glanced towards Park who earlier mentioned going and checking the situation out, but only for a few seconds before looking back to the Admirals.
Quistra@PlanetOfHats nods quietly. "Helping them is the right thing to do. But so is strengthening civilian government. We don't need another situation where the military goes around its civilian oversight."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "That's an understatement. Lakarian City was razed in two seconds."
[Local] Quistra@PlanetOfHats: "If we deal with the military first, we set the precedent for the military being able to trump democracy. That's not good."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "Even battle-hardened Imperial Navy CIC analysts turned pale when reporting it."
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: "My father spoke of those horrors, sometimes." she said, with a faint shiver. "My mother, too, about the occupation."
[Local] Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex: Following the formation of the Khitomer Alliance, the stipulations placed on the Cardassian military were relaxed, and the Cardassian military is rebuilding, it's slow, but it's happening.
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 shakes her head, and sighs. "I have a solution, but... Well, I needed them *not* to walk out of here that quickly."
[Local] Phill'min@dhofmann: "I.. understand. But what those two across the table said practically sounded like an Emergency. Is it really against anyone's interest to go see, and possibly assist with food and a warm blanket?"
[Local] Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex: I agree, and I would have been very interested to see exactly what their request entailed.
[Local] Quistra@PlanetOfHats: "That's what we're trying to do, Captain. We have offices on Cardassia. They can walk out the door and check it out in five minutes."
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 leans forward on the table, resting her foreams on it and shakes her head, sighing.
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: "I felt their behaviour raised some suspicion. They seemed particularly interested in things going in the way they had in mind, and that way only. The situation... it doesn't smell right."
Quistra@PlanetOfHats folds her arms with a frown. "And that's what bothers me. If Lakarian City was truly on the verge of a crisis, why is this the first we've heard of it? Something'd off here. I want to know more."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "No, it doesn't," Kara says, nodding to Vittoria. "But, taking the situation they outlined at face value... As I said, I have a solution in two days."
Sileia T'Sai@S.J.Brex pulls a PADD off the table and begins drafting a communication to the Federation Envoy on Cardassia. "Please, Captain, speak your mind."
Phill'min@dhofmann glances towards Admiral Quistra, almost wanting to say 'Well, send them!' Those antanna perked forward, but she kept her place. "..Understood.."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "I just read up on the political situation on Cardassia. In rough, admittedly, but the Gul confirmed my understanding. Lakarian City has standing to negotiate trade deals and other such neogtiations."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: as do not explicitly usurp the authority of the Detapa Council."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "What we need is two or five or ten Cardassians *not* wearing military uniform, with standing to speak for and negotiate on behalf of the city, and take them to Ashalla."
[Local] Quistra@PlanetOfHats: "So it seems."
[Local] Park@ecutts: "...whatever is behind this, if anything, will only out after they get their supplies..."
Phill'min@dhofmann then thought, at that point, her low opinion was said, and she left the table. The window was also a good place to look out of not only when in thought, but to calm down. This clueless feeling-
[Local] Phill'min@dhofmann: -was getting annoying.
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "... And I think I just figured out what their, as more cynical humans say, 'angle' is, to boot."
[Local] Quistra@PlanetOfHats: "Do tell."
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 grins. "I suspect they want to embaress the Detapa Council into acting; to stop whatever internal politicing and jockying for position is going on."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "Which is exactly what would have to happen if a stricken Cardassian city, getting no assistance from the Council, sought and recieved it from outsiders."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "Oh, I'm sure they also have hopes it would advance their military careers, too; get the good Gul that ship," she says with a smirk.
Quistra@PlanetOfHats folds her arms. "He's very upset that he doesn't have a command, yes."
[Local] Park@ecutts: "There must always be something to gain, even for us."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "And the best part is, if we actually *get* those civilian representatives of Lakarian City to Ashalla, we can achieve that first laudible goal whilst foiling the Gul's ambitions to personally advance
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: himself from the situation."
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: "That's a good theory... but I do not believe it takes into account all of the variables." Vittoria said, glancing about. "If it was only about embarassing the Detapa Council, then they would have >
[Local] Park@ecutts: "For now though, I believe as the Admiral mentioned, we can only wait to hear back from the envoys and see what unfolds from there."
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: been pleased to negotiate the appearance of any Federation attention to the area. In truth, they could have just contacted the news-nets. But they were laser-focused on getting exactly what they >
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: wanted in the precise way that they wanted it."
Kara@ShadowDragon8685 nods at the back of Park's head. "Quite right. *We* cannot really act here; the UFP as a whole would be unable to 'step on the toes of' the Detapa Council in such a manner."
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: "They weren't interested unless we did exactly what they asked to the letter, I felt. And that makes it seem less like a cry for help, to me..."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "Federation member worlds, however, are perfectly free to make their own external deals in such situations, provided they do not violate fewer, more strict regulations, such as dealing directly with
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: hostile powers."
[Local] Kara@ShadowDragon8685: "... Especially ones which joined on special terms providing them with more autonomy than most - which is already considerable."
Park@ecutts looks back to the Andorian, "Captain, care to join our little Captain's group? Perhaps if all are interested, a quick retire to the bar for some relief?"
Phill'min@dhofmann kept staring, responding with a slight delay before looking over her shoulder. For some reason, this seemed to be bothering her more then it really should. "...Alright."
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: "Does a captain-by-courtesy count?" Vittoria asked, faintly playfully.
[Local] Park@ecutts: "Of course Commander, you are the CO of a starship are you not? And therefore, for all intents and purposes of our trip to the bar...a Captain"
[Local] Phill'min@dhofmann: Suddenly, it sounded like someone ripped open the cloth out of frustration on the top of one of the chairs. It was really Phill reaching up to her right shoulder, undoing the metal clasp, and-
[Local] Phill'min@dhofmann: -ripping the top part of her uniform jacket open along the lines of that magnetic-like style zipper. Maybe she should drink again.
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: Vittoria nodded. "It made sense to me to be certain. Some of the larger officers' clubs make the distinction."
[Local] Park@ecutts: Well then, shall we?
[Local] Vittoria Calogero@Serenissima: The Betazoid glanced at the other two, not wanting to seem too eager to flee the room.
[Local] Park@ecutts: Captain? Care to join us?
[Local] Park@ecutts: I believe it best to leave the Admiral to her thoughts and devices.

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